Actors receive Oustanding Awards
A scene from the SCHS One Act play “Darcy and Elizabeth”.
As a team, the One Act was consistently awarded superior ratings in all competitive events. There were 13 actors who were awarded District Acting awards this year. The award winning actors were; Carlos Alarcon, Kasey Brabec, Chloe Beltrand, Crystal Carrillo, Miguel Cruz, Nayeli Cruz, Delvan Del-Cid, Brenda Lara-Romo, Cassie Macholan, Brayden Rocha, Jose Rocha, Maria Semerad and Jessica Sorsen. Mrs. Melanie Gustafson, Head One Act Coach, said “this year the One Act crew really improved as a team. Last year the One Act focused a lot on what it means to be a team”. Mrs. Gustafson believes this helped the One Act’s crew motivation and desire to succeed. Mrs. Gustafson doesn’t know if she will change anything next year, but she thinks that they did all that they could as coaches and she thinks that the One Act crew worked very hard this year. Mrs. Gustafson wasn’t really surprised about this season, but she said that the One Act crew had their best performance in the district competition. “When it comes down to Districts and it’s the end of the One Act season, it comes to a judge’s decision and you’ll never know what each judge is looking for,” Mrs. Gustafson said.
According to Assistant One Act Coach, Ms. Rory Wendelin, the biggest achievement this year was getting to Districts and doing their best performance there. There was some tough competition, but Ms. Wendelin is really proud of how the cast performed and her set and lighting crew knew exactly what needed to be done for the cast to put on a good show. Ms. Wendelin has been helping with One Act for 3 years as the person in charge of the set and lights crew. Ms. Wendelin enjoys doing the background equipment and working with the students to plan things accordingly so everything goes smoothly. A big achievement this year was getting everybody’s costumes. “The One Act crew did a period piece this year so it took a lot of planning and coordination with the cast to get their sizes for all the costumes and take vans full of kids to the costume to library at Nebraskan Wesleyan,” Ms. Wendelin said. Ms. Wendelin enjoyed her crew this year the most.
Mrs. Amber Beltrand, One Act Assistant Coach, believed the biggest achievement was the development of exceptional acting skills by the majority of their cast. Mrs. Beltrand said “the very dependant on having believable parts. The One Act crew had to become their characters, not just read lines. The One Act crew hard work was noticed by the judges at Districts and they received 13 Outstanding Actor awards at the district competition by total”. Mrs. Beltrand helped with every part of the play except the lighting and sound. Mrs. Beltrand works as the acting coach, but all of the three coaches work together on almost every part of the play. Mrs. Beltrand has also been coaching One Act for 3 years. “The best part of any play season is getting to the end of it and seeing the play in its final form. Watching the last performance is always bittersweet. The amount of work that goes into every aspect of the play is exhausting, but that final, perfect performance makes it all worth it,” Mrs. Beltrand said.

Ketsia Dimpolo is a junior and this is her second year as a Staff Reporter. She enjoys writing and spending time with friends.