Student Art to be Showcased
Dacia Jones, a Discovery Education professional development instructor, visited Schuyler Central High School and was amazed by the students artwork. Michael Trotter, SCHS Art Teacher, discussed with Jones how he wanted to get the students’ artwork out for the community to see. They discussed how frames are important for that to happen, but are expensive. So they both decided to ask for donations. Dacia Jones, as @dacia92, tweeted the request to her 2000 followers including the Ellen DeGeneres Show, Jimmy Fallon, and The Museum of Modern Arts, but she never received a response. Seeing Jones tweet, Mr. Stephen Grammer, SCHS Principal, decided that the frames are important and necessary to the community and art students so they should purchase the frames themselves.
Other schools around the area showcase their students’ artwork as well, but not at the scale that SCHS will. “There is no specific day that the school will get the frames because there is still a lot to figure out.” Mr. Trotter said, “I will be ordering the frames soon, but I also need to find a place to print artwork so the original student works can be out at other art shows and we will have prints in the frames. Prints are just resized, high quality copies of the artwork so the original is still in the artist’s possession. We will need to resize the artworks on the computer so they will fit the frames. The idea is to have a traveling show where artworks rotate from one location to the next about once a month so each location has new work to look at.” These pieces of art are going to be displayed in the high school, middle school, and elementary school, as well as the new Schuyler Public Library, the Schuyler hospital, and other businesses too.