Students get ready for Workforce

Photo Credit: Jared Severson

Students demonstrate skills learned in Mr. Severson’s class.

Schuyler Central High School has classes that prepare students for college and jobs after high school. Jared Severson is a Food and Consumer Science teacher at Schuyler Central High School and teaches a culinary class. After taking his class and graduating, students can start by working in a restaurant. According to Mr. Severson, “Students can advance their careers (by going to college) if they like to cook and attend culinary school and become an actual Chef. There they can work their way up to running a full staff kitchen at top end restaurant, hotel, cruise line ships, nursing homes, hospitals, and/or own and run their own restaurant one day.” Hotel chefs can make about 65,983. A sous chef makes 39,478 and a pastry chef makes 43,123. Students can advance their careers if they are able to get is a two year Associate Degree in Culinary Arts.

Schuyler Central High School also has a cabinet making class. Scott Anderson is a teacher at Central High School. He teaches construction and cabinet making. Skills that students will have to know how to do are framing, installing windows and doors. The cabinet making students are experiencing running shapers, planers, jointers, and sanders. If students have no job experience with construction, you would get pay $11.00 per hour. Construction superintendents make $34.00 per hour. If a student would like to advance in this career, the degree that students are able to get is a two year degree in construction. This degree is available at Metro Community College in Omaha.