SCHS Staff Attend ELL Conference
On March 27, Dr. Dan Hoesing, Superintendent, Heather Beboit, After School Program Director, and Clarissa Dunn, ELL teacher, went to a conference in Florida for dual language classrooms. It was held at a Disney World Resort in Orlando. The conference provided information on the best environments to teach English Language Learners students and the best practices for the quickest progress. According to Mrs. Dunn, “There was a lot of information I was already aware of, but it was definitely a great refresher”. The conference needed to take place in Florida, because it has a high population ELL students. “Many schools down there have been trying to find the best possible way to teach ELL students for many years and may have more experience compared to other places in the United States,” said Mrs. Dunn.
Mrs. Dunn exclaimed, “I really enjoyed being at this conference, because I was able to connect with a number of educators and administrators that had the same questions and concerns I have.” “I didn’t know what to expect when I went to this conference, because from what I had heard, there were going to be sessions in other languages and you had to learn what it felt like to be in the shoes of an ELL student,” said Mrs. Dunn,“It made me really nervous that I wouldn’t get everything out of the training that I should.”

Ari Silverio is a sophomore and this is his first year as a Staff Reporter for the Warrior News. He also enjoys working at his grandma’s restaurant called...