6th Annual Tech Fair held

Photo Credit: SCS Staff

Students who won prizes at the Tech Fair 2021.

Jacquelyn Perez, Staff Reporter

On October 18th the 6th annual SCHS Tech Fair was held. Last year the Tech Fair wasn’t held due to Covid restrictions. The Tech Fair gives students and teachers the opportunity to learn more about 21st century technology. The Tech Fair also gives students the opportunity to learn more about what’s happening around the world. During the Tech Fair, there were three groups of Focus classes. Each group had their own schedule of what times the groups rotated to multiple breakout sessions, with topics ranging from gaming club to college plannings, and the vendor and makerspace in the gym.

This year’s keynote speaker was Brad Waid. Braid Waid is from Detroit, Michigan. He is known for being a recipient of the U.S. National School Board Association “20 to Watch” award. The meaning behind the award is it is given to an individual who will have the greatest impact in education over the next 20 years. Jeff Droge, Director of Technology at SCHS, explained why Brad Waid was chosen, “After hearing Brad speak at the Nebraska Education Technology Association conference in Omaha in 2016, we booked him to speak at our Tech Fair the following year and our students and staff loved him.” Jeff Droge thought it was time to bring him back. In addition, Waid is a nationally known award winning speaker on technology. 

The topic of the Braid Waid breakout session was “A Race into the future.” The session gave a look at an “industry 4.0 and the Emerging Technologies ushering students and workforce into a new age.” During the Tech Fair, students received tickets based on following directives and their attention. All student tickets were combined at the end of the Tech Fair and names were drawn for different prizes including gift cards, an arcade pac-man machine, speaker, headphones, Color flow lamp and much more. Due to Covid this year, other schools were not invited to attend the Tech Fair.