Aggression and competitiveness, goals for Girls new Soccer Season
The 2022 Girls Soccer Team.
As the new season begins, the Schuyler Central High School girls soccer team has 31 girls out for soccer. There are 13 new players and 18 returning. The head coach is Clarissa Eloge. Coach Eloge has been the head coach for four years and was assistant coach for two years prior to that. Coach Eloge’s goals this season are to be very competitive in every game, grow from the game before, and make progress as a whole team.
Angela Arroyo, a junior at SCHS, is a returning player this year. Angela has been playing soccer for most of her life. Her passion slowly grew for the sport when her parents and cousins played together. It was something they all enjoyed doing together. She participated in AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) up until her eighth grade year. During her freshman year, she went out for soccer and has played ever since.
Angela plays center back for the girls varsity soccer team. Angela mentioned that one of her goals this season is to be more aggressive out in the field. Aggressiveness is something Angela felt that she could improve on. “I want my goal kicks to be high and far, hopefully by the end of the season I’ll have met that goal,” shared Angela.

As a Freshman, Jakelin Ortega is a new Staff Reporter for Warrior News. Her main interests are spending time with family and friends and watching movies....