Determination will lead Girls Basketball to success
The girls basketball team poses as they get their picture taken.
The girls basketball season in 21-22’ ended with the overall record of 1-21. New head coach Jason Wehner, explained that they wanted to “set some statistical goals focused on improving some things compared to last year’s numbers.” Coach Wehner has been teaching for eight years in the Schuyler school district as an elementary P.E teacher. Coach Wehner played basketball in high school at North Bend Central and is currently the best shooter in the Schuyler old man basketball league.
On November 7th the girls started conditioning to prepare for the official day of practice that started on November 14th. They worked on techniques and started off with the basics. Returning player, Katheryn Tzunux, a senior, exclaimed that she wanted to “keep a positive spirit throughout the year while winning our first game of the season.”
Coach Wehner explained that the girl’s strength is their “willingness to work.” The girls had a basketball camp that they could have attended and the opportunity over the summer for girls to come in and work with coaches on skills. Coach Wehner exclaimed that the “girls did a great job of coming in and working.” There are approximately eighteen girls out for basketball and ten are returning players. Assisting the girls basketball team are Jessica Greef and Stephanie Pearson. “We believe that if we can meet some of our small goals, those victories will add up and get us closer to the ultimate goal of winning basketball games,” Coach Wehner stated. Their first game is on December 1st against Madison high school.

As a Junior, Rosibel Soto is a new Staff Reporter for the Warrior News. Her main interests are spending time with her loved ones and hanging out with her...