High school cheerleader to cheer at college

The UNK 23-24 cheerleaders. With KT at the far left of the bottom row.

On Saturday, March 25th University of Nebraska at Kearney held cheerleading tryouts in the UNK Health and Sports Center. The tryouts were open to any incoming freshmen or full-time undergraduate student. It cost a fee of $30 to try out. “A requirement was to run a timed mile and attempt to run under the given time,” Kathryn Tzunux, SCHS senior, shared. KT went on to explain that “instead of having a week to learn new materials, we were given a couple of hours to learn and perform it the same day.” There was an interview process that was held prior with recommendations required. 

KT was offered a position on the UNK Cheer Squad and a cheerleader scholarship which will cover fees, the cost of book, or any additional materials she’ll need. She also does not have to pay for her uniform or travel gear. KT is also the recipient of the KHOP scholarship, which will cover many other fees. KT has been cheering for Schuyler Central High School for three years. She first started cheerleading her sophomore year of high school. She was captain of the cheer team her junior year. 

Ashlie Stone, Special Education Teacher, has been the head coach of the cheerleading team for six years. When KT began cheerleading, she came into “a group of strong seniors that set an awesome example, she pushes herself to be better and her team,” shared Mrs. Stone. “KT is fun to watch, so I’m so excited she’s taking her skills to the college level,” shared Mrs. Stone.