The 2023 One Act Play Production has started its competition season. They are performing La Llorona. The story revolves around a family who goes to Mexico after a tragedy. While in Mexico, they go and visit Abuelita (grandmother), along the way the audience is introduced to La Llorona, which is a ghost-formed woman who mourns and roams around the streets of Mexico looking for her two kids she drowned. The main actors performing are; Madalyn Mendez 9, Gina Alba 12, Joel Medina 12, Omar Barrios 11, Alex Aldana 11, and Jazminlett Bernal 10. Madalyn Mendez plays La Llorona, Gina Alba is the mother, Joel Medina is the father, Omar Barrios and Alex Aldana are the two sons, and Jazminlett Bernal is the Abuelita.
The Head Director for this year’s One Act is Hope Pedersen, an art teacher at Schuyler Elementary School. Adults who are assisting are; Abby Linnerson, sophomore English teacher who focused on designing costumes, Morgan Semerad, the middle and high school music teacher who helps students practice and rehearse the songs that are used in the show, and Micheal Trotter, the high school art teacher, has helped build the set. Adults who have volunteered to help out are Colton Spahr, freshman English teacher, and Paul Niedbalski, the high school Band Director. “Overall, we have quite a few adults who have helped prepare our show this year,” commented Ms. Pedersen.
On Saturday November 4th, the One Act crew performed at Schuyler Central High School Performing Arts Auditorium. Actors that received Outstanding Acting awards were; Gina Alba 12, Madalyn Mendez 9, Yanibeth Carias 12, Analy Arciva 12, Elizabeth Guit 12, Cristal Gurrola 12, Citlaly Martinez 9, Diana Parada 11, Jazminlett Bernal 10, Joel Medina 12, Alex Aldana 11, and Omar Barrios 11. “They did very well for their first public performance,” explained Ms. Pedersen. The judges who judged the performance awarded Gina Alba with the Best Overall Actress award.
“We’ve been focusing on facial expressions, gestures, blocking, enunciation, and emotions,” stated Ms. Pedersen. Ms. Pedersen has seen improvement as practices go on. She has seen the difference of how they started and where they are now is a huge improvement. One thing Ms. Pedersen has noticed is “how well the upperclassmen have welcomed the underclassmen.” At the end of each rehearsal, the One Act group gather around each other and give praises and encouragement to each other. They also remind each other of what they need to work on to improve on stage. Another strength Ms. Pedersen sees is “that this is a story that they know well and can relate to it,” which allows students to give more character when they are on stage performing. Their public performance is November 19th at SCHS Performing Arts Auditorium at 2:00 p.m.