The Warrior Boys Wrestlers had five medalists at the Central Conference tournament. The boy wrestlers that medaled were Chris Shannon, Joxsemar Bernal, Chris Ardeano, Danny Pedro, and Jason Ramon. They finished in 4th place as a team and all the varsity boys won at least one of their matches. Head Wrestling Coach Drey Keairnes explained that there was “a lot of improvement from the varsity wrestlers and the team as all have had major improvements mentally and physically.” The Warrior Varsity Boys team qualified for the State Dual at Kearney on February 3rd. They did not place, but were honored to qualify, according to Coach Keairnes
Coach Keairnes was excited for Districts and he wanted the wrestlers to do well and believed in all of them. Coach Keairnes explained that “Our District is tough, but our boys are prepared for tough matches.” District finals were held Saturday, February 10th. The Warrior boys that qualified for State were Gasper Juarez (11) wrestling at 120 , Chris Shannon (11) wrestling at 150, Luis Carrera (12) wrestling at 215, and Joxsemar Bernal (11) wrestling at 165. “I am very excited to see some of our seniors qualify for State for the first time and hope to have some underclassmen step up and have the opportunity to reach the big stage as well,” comments Coach Keairnes.