Grant helps College Bound Students
Josie Brichacek applied to Wayne State College.
At the very end of July 2018, Schuyler Central High School Counselors, Katherine Bertrand and Amy Johnson, were awarded a grant from Education Quest. The grant is called Education Quest College Access Grant. This grant is to be used for activities and programs to help guide students to some sort of education or training after high school. In order to receive this grant, they had to complete an application process where they outlined what type of activities and programs they would do with the grant. They also had to show what their current SCHS student going to college rate was and set a goal on where they wanted their college going rate to be at the end of four years.
This grant is benefiting the school because it’s allowing students to go on college visits. They are hoping to take students to visit a two-year college, four-year college or university, and a four year private college or university. Mrs. Bertrand stated, “We are planning an Apply to College Day, Financial Aid presentation, parent/student informational meetings, and a variety of other exciting things. Our hope is that all students have the knowledge and access to obtain any training after high school.”
Many students and parents have never attended college or gone further than high school. That is why Ms. Johnson and Mrs. Bertrand want to make that process easier to understand. With this grant, they can provide lots of information to parents and students to help get them back on track training or education after high school. They are very excited to have been awarded this grant.