Female Wrestlers determined to Not Give Up

Photo Credit: Yearbook

SCHS female wrestlers ready to start the season.

“Nothing makes me more proud of these girls than when they walk off the mat after a match knowing they left it out there and never quit. Mark Wemhoff, Science/Construction teacher and Girl’s Wrestling Coach has coached in Schuyler Central High School for 9 years now. Coach Wemhoff believes you can tell when a student just gives up. Last year, the largest amount of female wrestlers was 21. “Our Schuyler girls are tough. Wins are not my first priority. I look for the never quit attitude,” stated Coach Wemhoff. 

According to Coach Wemhoff, when he began coaching wrestling, he purposely challenged female wrestlers in 7th grade. Despite other female wrestlers who quit due to the difficulty, Carla Chacon stayed in the game. Chacon qualified for Nationals and held her ground against experienced female wrestlers. “We have others that are younger that will get there, but right now Carla stands out,” acknowledged Coach Wemhoff.

 Carla Chacon, Senior, is six year wrestler who feels very confident about this upcoming season. Throughout Chacon’s childhood, her brothers inspired her interest to become a wrestler.

Photo Credits: Mark Wemhoff
Schuyler Central High School female wrestlers pose together.

“Wrestling is a great way to express my anger into a positive way,” expressed Chacon. Chacon’s favorite part about wrestling is taking the dedication and time in wrestling in the weights room or during challenging practices. “Wrestling a guy is tough, but that experience has got me exactly where I am today. I am thankful for all the boys that treated me how I wanted to be treated,” analyzed Chacon. According to Chacon, wrestling is not an easy sport, but she learned to develop and become a decent wrestler by progressing her speed. As a female wrestler, Chacon faces resentment from wrestling clubs and most male coaches who either resented her or did not take the time to coach her. Chacon acknowledges the hardest challenge is being accepted as a female wrestler. “I offer my knowledge and support to the wrestling team, because I know what it is like to be rejected. I want to be apart of growing this sport,” stated Chacon.

Analy Carrera convinced Evelyn Guzman and Jocelyn Lagunes to join wrestling. Coach Wemhoff also persuaded Guzman to try out wrestling. The other reason Guzman joined wrestling was because she wanted to learn to defend herself. Fortunately, she decided to stay with her friends on the wrestling team. According to Guzman, she gained other benefits such as meeting new people and gaining friends.

There are 13 female wrestlers on the roster. Freshmen wrestlers are: Jamie Romero, Hasley Salgado, Laura Romero, Jasmine Acosta, and Anayeli Ramirez. Sophomore wrestlers are: Analy Carrera, Jocelyn Lagunes, Evelyn Guzmán, and Natalia Ruiz. Junior wrestlers are: Angelica Barrera, and Jennyfer Ardon. Senior wrestlers are: Carla Chacon, and Yeni Carreto. “Wrestlers learn how to be gracious in a win and humble with a loss,” stated Coach Wemhoff.