Current Culmination of SCHS Construction Project
The new cafeteria is near the new West gym and East gym.
Schuyler Central High School is near the completion of the first phase of construction, with the second phase waiting for the first phase to be completed. The construction in SCHS is almost halfway completed for this school year. The construction project started in June 2019. SCHS started construction since more students were enrolling into SCHS, leaving less space for students and staff.
SCHS is in progress of completing the first phase of construction. The first phase of the construction is closing into an end with the new West Gym almost being finished. According to James Kasik, the Assistant Principal and Activity Director, “We are tracking for a late September or early October completion date of West Gym, two new locker rooms, training room, family bathrooms, wrestling room, Health and Fitness classroom, and weight room renovation.” The new West Gym will have many features available to students and staff when it gets completed.
When phase one gets completed phase two will start. According to Mr. Kasik,“Phase two is tracking for January 1st completion date. This includes the Fine Arts Event Center, Green room and adjacent storage areas. There is not a phase 3. “When students and staff come back in January, they will be able to see the new Fine Arts Event Center. SCHS had changes in other areas of the building also,“We have replaced classroom doors to meet Fire Marshal compliance, main school bathrooms B/G have been renovated as well.” Mr. Kasik said.

As a Freshman, Oscar Carvajal is a new Staff Reporter for Warrior News. His main interests are playing the trombone and watching movies.