SCHS Focuses On Parent Involvement

Victoria Melgar, Staff Reporter

Schuyler Central High Schools parent teacher conferences are a little different this year. Parent teacher conferences will be on Tuesday, October 13th, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. and Wednesday, October 14th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Due to Covid -19 parents have more options on how they would like to attend the conferences. Parents will have to schedule an appointment with their students’ Focus teacher. Parents will have the option to set up a conference at school in person, over the phone, or via Zoom video conferencing. If a zoom conference is chosen, the meeting number will be sent home with the student. The meeting will be 15 minutes long and with their student’s Focus teacher they will discuss their child’s strengths and areas for improvement regarding; grades, attendance, and behavior. 

Parents who enter the building will need to wear a mask and have their temperature checked. The school recommends that only one parent should attend the meeting in order to keep social distancing. Schuyler Central High School’s Counselor Amy Johnson remarks, “This should be a time to celebrate successes, and to resolve issues easily before they can become a problem.” SCHS encourages parents to attend these meetings so they can understand and help their child do better in school. SCHS Principal, Stephen Grammer comments, “Research shows that students learn more, have higher grades, and have better school attendance when parents are involved in their student’s education. Attending parent–teacher conferences is one way to be involved in your students’ school and a good way to help your student succeed in school.”