Practice and more Practice Pays Off

Miguel Cruz and Vincent Wegner are accepted into the Nebraska All-State Music.
After submitting a virtual audition, Schuyler Central High Schools students, Vincent Wegner and Miguel Cruz, have been accepted into Music All-State. Vincent Wegner was accepted into All-State Band and plays the euphonium. Wegner comments that trying out for All-State was to challenge himself. Wegner would practice after school to prepare for his audition with Paul Niedbalski, the SCHS Instrumental Music teacher. Wegner is proud of his audition and his improvement since last year. Wegner’s advice for students interested in All-State is, “If you really want to make it to All-State, just practice, practice, practice. Put your all into it. Don’t just put half effort in.”
Miguel Cruz had recording tracks that he would listen and sing along too. Cruz would do most of the work himself, but he also practiced with Morgan Semerad, the SCHS Music teacher before auditions and the day of the audition. A part of the audition process was to sing some of the scales, which they would do during their choir class. Cruz’s advice for others interested in All-State is, “Just try it. What’s the worst that can happen? It’s like trying out for a sport or cheerleading or dancing. You will never know if you would have made it unless you have tried.”
Ms. Semerad was ecstatic that her students were accepted into All-State. Ms. Semerad explained, “This was the first time a student of mine got into All-State, which made it all that much more exciting!” Ms. Semerad announced that the next goal is to prepare pieces for the District Music Contest in the Spring. Students will sing their piece to a judge and will be rated. The goal is to get superior ratings.

As a Freshmen, Victoria Melgar is a new Staff Reporter for Warrior News. Her interests are sketching and spending time with her family.