Annual plant sale reveals fruits of students’ labor

Photo Credit: Caitlin Kronberg

A variety of plants grow in the green house.

Caitlin Kronberg, Staff Reporter

On the first day of May, the Schuyler High School will have a plant sale from its greenhouse. Profits of the sale pay for the greenhouse’s operating funds, such as soil, seeds, and tools. Costs of the plants vary. Erin Trotter, a member of the school’s supporting staff with a background in horticulture, is the main caretaker for the plants. “Most of the flowering plants, herbs, and vegetables are in the $3-$4 range. Some of the larger plants and multi-packs are $6-$8, and hanging baskets are $15,” Erin announced. The greenhouse also offers other options such as succulents or tropical plants. Using the link, potential customers may view a complete online inventory of available plants.

The slowest of the seeds are planted in late January. Other plants are slowly added up until March. Some, such as the succulents, are kept in the greenhouse all year. Mrs. Trotter is able to collect cuttings from these to grow new plants. “Then it’s just a matter of getting everything transplanted at the proper time and making sure plants are healthy and ready to sell,” Mrs. Trotter explained. 

Mrs. Trotter and Casey Harper, the agriculture teacher, often supervise the plant sciences classes while they take turns caring for the plants. “Students get hands-on training with the plants and learn the fundamentals of plant requirements and health”, Mr, Harper stated. Working in the greenhouse is a striking change of pace from the rest of a student’s day. Watching their hard work slowly blossom from thriving plants creates a sense of pride in the students. Gardening is a lifelong skill that the greenhouse develops.