Rotary and Sertoma Awards
Photo Credit: Travis Steinhoff
Leo Guzman holding his Rotary of The Week Award.
On February 1st, Shirley Trejo, Dillon Johnson, and Brian Ramiro, all seniors at Schuyler Central High School, were awarded Athletes for the Month. Leo Guzman, also a senior at SCHS, was awarded Rotary Student of the Week. Rotary and Sertoma clubs are community based clubs that are composed of volunteers working to help improve the community. The Rotary club award is selected weekly and is selected by the teachers. The Sertoma awards are grouped differently. Sertoma awards consist of Athlete of the Month, which is selected by the coaches of Schuyler Central High School, Fine Arts Student of the Month, which is selected by SCHS Fine Art coaches, and National Honor Society Student of the Month, which is selected by NHS. This is how the Sertoma Award recipients are selected.
“Now these awards are important to SCHS and to the students,” Travis Steinhoff, SCHS Assistant Principal and Activity Director, explained. The Rotary and Sertoma awards help give recognition to students and student athletes who are representing SCHS in a positive way. Shirley Trejo, a senior at SCHS, was one of the students who earned a Sertoma Award for Athlete of the Month. “I gained a boost of confidence in myself knowing that I did very well to earn this award,” Shirley mentioned.

As a junior, Gadiel Alvarado is a new Staff Reporter for Warrior News. He enjoys playing video games and taking his dog out for walks.