Successful FFA Week at SCHS

Photo Credit: Hal Moomey

Mr. Hlavac posing with toilet used in the “Toilet Transfer” during FFA Week.

On the week of February 20, FFA Week was held at Schuyler Central High School. Hal Moomey, FFA Co-sponsor and SCHS Ag teacher, commented that the purpose of putting on FFA Week was to “prepare future leaders through agricultural education.” One activity that took part during FFA Week was a Toilet Transfer. During the “Toilet Transfer,” teachers would have a toilet put in their classroom. Staff members would pay $5 to get the toilet out of their room, $10 to move it out of their room to another classroom, or $20 to insure that the toilet didn’t end up in their classroom. Mr. Moomey commented that “the toilet transfer was a huge success and teachers played along.” Students who were involved in transferring the toilet around classrooms were the FFA Officers; Addison Vavricek 10, Allison Vavricek 10, Wyatt Kluck 11, Hope Borman 11, Bela Jedlicka 10, Abby Reyna 10, Eliza Bailey 12, and Kathryn Novacek 12. Another activity that took part during FFA Week was the FFA Trivia competition between Focus classes. Mr. Haas’s Focus won the FFA Trivia competition and will receive a pizza party during Focus. Mr. Moomey’s favorite part of FFA Week was the trivia game. “It is fun to see, Focus groups participate and grow our school culture,” Mr. Moomey explained. The FFA members started FFA Week in hopes that they would promote agricultural literacy at SCHS and also to have a fun week.

All the FFA members. (Photo Credit: Hal Moomey)

Abigail Reyna, a sophomore and a FFA Officer at SCHS, was one of the FFA Officers to move the toilet around the school building. “The toilet wasn’t too heavy, because it was on wheels,” commented Abigail. Most students would feel a sense of awkwardness if they were pushing around a toilet, but Abigail explained that she didn’t think it was very awkward to wheel it around, just funny.” There were many fun activities during FFA Week, but Abigail’s favorite part was making the teacher’s breakfast. As a FFA member, Abigail is always looking forward to FFA Week, because “it gives people a little taste of what we do in FFA,” shared Abigail. During FFA Week, each day was a different dress up day. Monday was PJ Day, Tuesday was Teacher Tuesday, Wednesday was “We Wear Pink,” Thursday was Flannel Day, and Friday was Aloha Friday. Abigail’s favorite dress up day was Hawaiian day. Abigail explained that the reason why Hawaiian day was her favorite dress up day was, because she loved dressing up in leis and Hawaiian shirts.