On the Minds of our Seniors

Photo Credit: Carlos salinas

Crystal Carrillo next to the senior news board.

Carlos Salinas, Staff Reporter

Counting down the days until graduation and beginning a new adventure. This is the last year for us seniors and I am nervous yet excited. It took me fifteen year (including Preschool) to get this far and it’s about to pay off. Caps and gowns are ready to order. There are several mixed feelings from my fellow seniors. “I feel like the cap and gowns should be white for girls and green for boys.” remarked Katelynn Stodieck.  Esteban Garcia stated, “It sucks because I don’t want to pay for my graduation”. I believe that this is going to be a once in a lifetime experience for all of us seniors. It may have been hard, but it was all worth it. We are at the beginning of our senior year and starting something new, whether that is college, working, military or something else. 

Some seniors are glad to be where they are at and are excited. “I just can’t believe we’ve made it this far, it has flew by and I can’t wait to see what myself and others accomplish in the future. I am most proud of my accomplishments in play production and speech” stated Katelynn. “Senior year, phew, never thought those words would come out of mouth sooner. I’d tell anyone who supported me, first of all, thanks, and second thanks for not giving up on me. Even when I thought that I couldn’t do it, that I couldn’t make it and how they helped me push through even the darkest days, thank you. For being my #1 supporters and got me through it all” expressed Ivana Lopez. All of us seniors are surprised on how far we have come. We are thankful for the people who have supported us all the way.

Some seniors will be leaving right after graduation. “I’m scared about being a senior this year because three weeks after graduation, I leave for basic training. Plus, I’m gonna miss everyone. I would thank my parents for making the sacrifices they made for me to be able to be here and graduate. They’re the reason I can continue my education and achieve my dreams” proclaimed Crystal Carrillo. Some will go far out to reach their dreams and success in life.

All these seniors accomplished so much and we are proud to be seniors. We will be saying goodbye, but we will also be saying hello to new faces. I for one am proud of everything that I have accomplished and thank all those people who supported me through my life during school.