Presentor motivates Students

Photo Credit: Year Book Staff

Students posing with Juan Cangas.

Gadiel Alvarado, Staff Reporter

On March fifteenth, motivational speaker Juan Cangas spoke to students here at Schuyler Central High School. Brandi Zavadil, SCHS Instructional Coach, heard Mr. Cangas speak at a few Latino Summit events. Andy Banahan, Assistant Principal at the Schuyler Middle School, also has heard Mr. Cangas speak at different events. Mr. Banahan was also the one who contacted Mr. Cangas to speak to middle school students, but then Mr. Cangas also offered to speak to the high school students as well. Mr. Cangas grew up in Grand Island, Nebraska. Mr. Cangas faced some challenges growing up there. Mr. Cangas faced those challenges and succeeded in his life. Mr. Cangas’s message challenged students to find their own motivation to help them succeed and make positive choices in their lives. “I believe that Mr. Cangas had a great message about perseverance that hopefully inspired the students in our school to continue working hard, even if they have made mistakes or have barriers in their way to success,” Mrs. Zavadil proudly said.

Diana Ramon, a freshman, was one of the students who attended Mr. Cangas’s speech. One of her favorite parts of the speech was when Mr. Cangas talked about his childhood and how he overcame barriers in his life. “Mr. Cangas was a very outgoing and down to earth person and his story can relate to many others backgrounds,” Diana explained. Diana also learned from his speech that “Even if you fail, you can get up and become someone better.” Mr. Cangas has eight years of youth leadership development as well as inspiring students from all walks of life. Mr. Cangas also co-founded the THRIVE Leadership Club which is an after school program that helps unite students from different cultures to become leaders in their communities.