In the mind of Seniors
Seniors fill the room for Mrs.Lickei 8th period.
Do you have any goals during this senior year? “My goals for this year are to find out what I want to do after high school and finish my high school sports seasons well,” said Gavin Bywater. Most seniors’ minds are clouded by judgment, but amidst the chaos we must make room for all of the emotions this year brings, good and complicated. The Class of 2023 has new ways of making the most of our Senior year. The class of 2023 had to deal with not being able to finish their freshman year. I, as a senior, don’t feel like a senior in high school, I had my first year canceled due to Covid-19. Less than 1 year at high school and I was going back to being a sophomore.
Are you going to take college classes? “Yes, I am currently taking five college classes to try and lessen the load of the first semester of college!”, said Jenny Valora. As a student affected by covid-19, I understand the difficultness of trying to get the classes you didn’t get done online. I would rather be in a classroom learning the principles and basics oSf that subject. Since the pandemic was my freshman year, it also had an effect on my classes as a sophomore.
Do you feel like the pandemic affected your sophomore classes and where you stand academically? “I think the pandemic definitely affected my learning and classes. I missed a lot of fun class experiences because of Covid, but I also learned how to overcome problems and issues other generations wouldn’t have had,” answered Piper Lefdal. Senior year doesn’t feel as stressful as the other years where I had teachers drilling me about my missing assignments from freshman year. I feel like SCHS has very helpful guidance counselors that helped me get me through all my missing work I had to get done.
Administration Counselors also helped me track my credit and where I lost them my freshman year. Senior year might be the most stress free year for some students that don’t pursue more education.
The class of 2023 has had the most unpredictable high school experience. It’s all a shadow under the Covid-19 outbreak. Where our freshman year was cut, and we were poorly connected to the school so work that was supposed to be completed wasn’t. This carried over into our sophomore year with work due from freshman year which killed my spirit to work or try that year. This affected my junior classes and affected my classes and it lowered my standards in most subjects mainly math and english. I feel like if I actually finished freshman year and understood the basics of high school, I would have higher proficiency in classes and would actually do better in school.

As a Senior, Saul Villalpando is a new Staff Reporter for Warrior News. His main interests are listening to Hiphop and walking my dogs.