Grand Opening of Love’s Truck Stop
Newest Business in Schuyler, Love’s Truck Stop.
There are more than 500 Love’s Truck Stop in 41 states in the United States. On March 9th, 2020, the new Schuyler Love’s Truck Stop will be opened to all customers. Love’s Truck Stop is located on 16th street by the Highway 30 exit and Cargill. Cargill, a meat packing company, that has many truck drivers and workers that can stop by the new Love’s Truck Stop. Subway will be moving to the new Love’s Truck Stop and will be paying employees 12 dollars an hour. This is a $2 an hour increase from the previous location. The new Love’s Truck Stop will be open 24 hours and will offer many services such as amenities: private showers, CAT scales, free Wi-Fi, ATM, overnight parking, RV dump service, and more amenities. Individuals interested in employment with Love’s should apply online.
Wilfernando Castro, is a sophomore who has been working at Subway for six months. With excitement, Castro is looking forward to earning more than he earned at the current Subway. With his previous experience working at Subway, he chose to continue to work at the new Subway because he wants to continue to be independent by saving and earning money for himself.
Ivana Lopez, a senior, began working at Subway in June. For two months, she began to close Subway. As a closer, she learned to overcome the struggle to balance her school work with her part time job. During her night shifts, Lopez has a list to get tasks done and half of the tasks are required when the day is almost over. According to Lopez, without her Dad’s encouragement she would not be looking forward to working at the Love’s Truck Stop. One of the biggest challenges Lopez will be facing at the new Subway is to be able to track time and take the customers orders. “From new regulations to the new style of doing things, everything will be new,” Lopez remarked on her new experience working at the new Subway. According to Lopez, along with excitement she is nervous to work at Love’s Truck Stop.

As a Sophomore, Brienna Romero is a returning Staff Reporter for Warrior News. Her main interests are lifting and competing for the Speech Team. This is...